累计: accumulative total; grand to ...拖欠: be behind in payment; be in ...累计股利: accumulated dividends应计累计股利: accrued cumulative dividends拖欠股利: dividends in arrears累积优先股的拖欠股利: arrears of dividends for cumulative preference shares累计优先股股利: cumulative preference dividends积欠股利: dividend arrearages; dividend in arrears应计股利: accrued dividends应计股利帐: accrued dividends account股息累计股本: accumulative stock股利: capital bonus; dividends; stock dividend累计: 1.(总计) accumulative total; grand total2.(加起来计算) add up 这些并联的发电机所产生的电流累计在一起, 总电流达到 500 安培。 the current from these parallel generators will add up to make a total flow of 500 amperes. 这些数累计起来是 592。 the figures add up to 592.; 累计帐户 accumulation account; 累计资本 accumulated capital累计股息, 未发累积利息: accumulated dividend除股利: without dividend低股利: low dividend股利(英): capital bonus股利, 红利: dividend on shares股利,股息: stock dividend股利;红利: dividends earned股利薄: dividend book股利簿: dividend book股利单: dividend warrant股利率: dividend rate; dividend yield; rata of dividend; rate of dividend股利票: scridividend; scrip